The final day of May. Been a weird month. Only a handful of really nice days so far. Hopefully this isn’t a sign of things to come for the summer. As I mentioned yesterday, It makes for a strange feeling to end the year. I had an odd night’s sleep last night. I was up and surprisingly not too tired in the middle of the night. I wonder if my thyroid played a part in that? It make for a tough 5:15 wake up. I also had iPad issues and need to use the smaller iPad for my run. Just added more time to an already hectic hour of fitness.
I am happy to report that it was another great day of running. My breathing suffered a little and I’m noticing a pattern of stuffed up nose and dry mouth from the CPAP. I think I need to blow my nose before I run to help clear out my sinuses. I’m sure it will help with the breathing. My back and legs felt strong and although my breathing caused me to tire prematurely, I was able to push though. Not like a couple weeks ago when it was nearly impossible to keep going.
Today I’ll find out about our Quest application. I’m guessing that it didn’t go through because we haven’t heard before the May 31st deadline. Although twitter seemed fairly silent, I’m certain that they would have released some of the accepted entries before incase people have changed their minds. I can still cling to a little hope though. I think if I get denied again that I won’t apply because it seems to be a very strange selection process. STAO should be arriving in my box soon too. That one I’m actually more interested in. We’ll see though.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 10 deadlift
3 x 10 bar jumps
3 x sandbag burped (been a while since I’ve done it!)
3 x 7 DB complex (felt tough, especially after the deadlift)
Tags: blog May 31, 2017 at 07:55AM Open in Evernote
Great run this morning. My ankle is a little sore and tight, but I pushed through and after about 10 mins it was fine. This is good because the heat usually knocks me down a few levels and I was able to push through. I have noticed that my workouts are taking a few minutes longer than normal even though I’m doing essentially the same things I always have. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m taking longer breaks or just generally slower. Anyway, not a huge deal because I have all summer to take my time. Something to watch for in the future though.
Things are winding down here, but I’m still feeling slightly more stressed than normal. No particular reason why either. I assume the weather has something to do with it, but who knows. I suppose its because my energy levels have been in the dumps lately and are only now starting to recover.
Overall I’m feeling fantastic right now. I had a great night’s sleep, a good workout and my apparently sickness seems to have dissipated. The timing is great because I’ll be away this weekend and the latter part of next week.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 10 clean and press
3 x 25 KB swings
3 x 30s hard on bike
3 x 10 one arm rows
Tags: blog May 30, 2017 at 07:54AM Open in Evernote
Good news: I can run again! Yesterday was a fantastic run. I felt zero effects of pain or lack of breathing. I had minor cramp which went away right before I did my sprints. I think it’s safe to say that keeping things simple on the enhancement front is the best way for the moment. With good runs comes good sleep and last night was no exception. got over 9 hours of solid sleep and feel much more refreshed this morning.
Only 2.5 weeks of school left. It is going to fly by especially since this is my last full week of teaching for the year. I’m not so shocked that it’s coming to an end, still feels like there’s lots of time left though. This week my goal is to get the catapults started and to have the students do some more coding. With the 3s, I hope to be able to get their shelters finished so that they can do other work when I’m gone.
Fitness wise, I’ll be working out all week including Friday so that I have the ability to take Sunday off as necessary.
25 elliptical
3 x 10 back squat
3 x 20 tri pull down
3 x 10 leg press
3 x 10 pull-up
Tags: blog May 26, 2017 at 10:37AM Open in Evernote
A wet, but warm morning. Hopefully the rain will hold off enough to get the kids outside to work on their structures. We only really have one solid week left before I’m at Ottawa for 3 days and back for only 3. I really doubt that I’ll be able to get these catapults built. Hopefully I can make use of some uninterrupted double periods.
Went to bed around 9 last night without CPAP. I need to give my nose a break so when this congestion finally lifts, I’ll be able to get back to quality sleep. It wasn’t a terrible sleep, even my Fit Bit showed that I moved very little - other than getting up to blow my nose. Seems like I”m congested in the middle of the night only. I went to bed and woke up totally fine in terms of nose breathing.
I also took today off from working out. I still maintain that overtraining is not a possibility because of the little that I workout out, but overall exhaustion is certainly real. I still felt very tired when I woke up and only now after some caffeine am I feeling a little better. I’ll have to take today as a barometer on whether or not I should continue to go without my CPAP.
Overall, it’s Friday, the spring is here and summer break is just around the corner. Lots to be thankful for!
Rest day
Tags: blog May 26, 2017 at 07:54AM Open in Evernote
A wet, rainy day. #1 dress, park in the forest, not feeling well. Makes for a pretty crumby day. I took my CPAP off at some point in the night and slept really well. I was deep in a dream when my alarm work me up at 5:15. I think the rain is keeping my allergies at bay so I’m not as lethargic. I’ll be very tired this afternoon when all this caffeine and adrenaline wears off. Depending on how I feel, I may shut it down early tonight. Really I feel like I could use a good night’s uninterrupted sleep to recover.
My workout this morning was better, but not perfect. My legs trembled as I tried to clean a low amount of weight. Again, I really need to have some recovery. Soon, man soon.
Today is our final time wearing #1 dress. Thank goodness. It’s funny though, it certainly doesn’t feel like the end of the year. I’m sure next week without clubs and report cards starting it will begin to feel like the end!
5k row
3 x 2m hard on bike
3 x 10 power cleans
3 x 25 KB swing
3 x 10 one arm clean
3 x DB complex
Tags: blog May 25, 2017 at 08:05AM Open in Evernote
Well that’s one way to start your day! A bit sore, tired and I dropped my concentration for a few minutes and look out I’m the floor. Man, that was more painful than I thought. I’m glad that I stuck it out though. My problem is that my back now hurts which is the exact opposite I’m looking for. The good news is that the run was manageable and it was the heat that ended up doing me in, not my body. Although my leg bothered me a bit, it wasn’t so dehabilitating that I had to stop. I’ll keep at it until I’m back to where I need to be.
The year is quickly winding down. There’s still plenty of time to get everything done, it’s just that the timing of the classes is off. We could do the molasses experiment tomorrow which would mean I need to go this morning to get some molasses - which isn’t the craziest problem to have. Might be nice to get out before it rains all day tomorrow.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 10 deadlift
3 x 10 bar jumps (fell today)
3 x 10 bag lifts
3 x one arm rows
Tags: blog May 24, 2017 at 07:58AM Open in Evernote
Back after a long weekend! Feeling much better this morning than I did all of last week. My sleep was excellent compared the previous few nights so much that I didn’t realize that my mask was making a ton of noise for Melissa. I’m definitely feeling that this stuffiness has more to do with sickness than allergies. My guess is that the weakness in the gym is a result of feeling crappy. Also, the lack of alcohol certainly seems to provide more rest.
With only a few weeks more to go this year, I need to be careful of how I plan the remaining classes for gr 5. The catapult project will take them at least two double periods. I still need to complete the washing and molasses experiments too. Time is winding down!
22 min run (last 7 mins at 7.5)
3 x 500 row
30s hard on bike
3 x 8 clean and press
3 x 25 KB swings
3 x 15 back rows
Tags: blog May 23, 2017 at 07:52AM Open in Evernote
What a night that was. First it was so hot that I completely soaked my sheets then my CPAP machine started making some weird noise overtime I took a breath. Had to be one of the worst sleeps I’ve had in a while. Good news is that its backing on to a long weekend so I’ll have some time to catch up. My nose appears to be less stuffed up as well so that should speed up the sleep catch-up. Sometimes I wonder if I would get a better sleep if I just dropped the CPAP at a certain point in the night.
I have a few bumps and bruises so I’m going to take today off totally. Just need some time for my body to chill and catch-up. A couple of runs this weekend will shake the program up and get me refreshed and ready for next week.
Looking forward to working on my bike this weekend. All I really need to do is paint it, but once that’s done I can assess the needs of the bike and start to put it back toghether/order the parts. The next time I’m at the cottage I should be able to hit up the trails!
REST DAY (yes!)
Tags: blog May 19, 2017 at 07:53AM Open in Evernote
Happy Thursday! Holy, I’m feeling much better this morning. I’m so glad that I skipped out on the beers last night. I really think it helped get me into better condition this morning. Definitely still had issues sleeping, but I do feel less lethargic. I wonder how much the late night pizza helped too. I’ve been cutting down on the food during the week and it’s really been a struggle in the mornings. I suppose its for the best though!
For the sleeping, It’s just waking up because I can’t breathe. Looking at the fitbit data, I can see I had much less movement last night than the previous nights which means I’m getting a better sleep - sure feels that way anyway. The ResMed thing is fairly useless for sleep quality and I wonder how accurate it is with the Apneas per hour. I’ll have to check it out this morning to find out.
I’m so looking forward to this weekend. Even if it’s a little cooler, just to be able to get away for a day and not have to think about much. I definitely feel like I need to slow down for at least a day!
5k row
3 x 2 min hard on bike
3 x 10 back squat
3 x 25 50 lb KB swing
3 x 7 DB complex
3 x 10 bar jumps
Tags: blog May 18, 2017 at 07:53AM Open in Evernote
Well a better workout this morning. Had to sacrifice time and speed, but I was able to push through and get a decent workout in. I definitely think I’m full on sick. The stuffy nose can’t be totally due to allergies, I would have noticed it before. I also slept much better. I was awoken once because my nose was so stuffed that I couldn’t breathe. I hit the allergy nose spray up and it cleared me up for the rest of the night. One more day of working out hard and I’ll be able to take it easy Friday and get up to that cottage! A nice chilled out weekend at the cottage is just what the doctor ordered.
Got my bike fork in and was able to loosen up the other crank bolt. So far, so good. also noticed that I might be able to keep my brakes which is a huge bonus. I’ll see if I can get some other cables to make it look good. The next phase is painting and then determining how to reduce the number of gears. I’ll cross that bridge this weekend and get the parts ordered from the cottage. Having the Internet up there is a game-changer.
Surprisingly I’m not looking forward to baseball tonight. I know that I won’t be able to drink which unfortunately makes is a worse time. Yes, it’s sad to say. It’s one of those days I wish that I could be back with Venom playing the hardcore stuff. Oh well, it’s just one week and hopefully next week I’ll be in better shape. The discipline will be worth it!
22 min run (had to reduce the speed)
3 x 500 row
30s hard on bike
3 x 9 power cleans
3 x 12 sandbag cleans
3 x 10 one arm rows
Tags: blog May 17, 2017 at 07:49AM Open in Evernote |
AboutThese logs reflect my thoughts, feelings and workouts every day! Archives
December 2018