Good morning! Kind of satire, kind of not. I’m actually feeling very well today and had a decent night’s sleep. Looking back on some of my posts from last year around this time, I see that sleep was a huge issue for me. Not so much anymore! I’m finding that the largest difference is with my energy levels during the day. It was like I couldn’t recover from my morning workouts and would end up lagging around noon. I certainly get tired in the afternoons, but it’s more of a physical fatigue rather than a crippling tiredness.
In other news, I need to keep on the updates with the website. Although the Wordpress route is nice, I feel like for what I’m doing, Weebly will be just fine. It would be really fun to customize the heck out of a site, but I’ll have to wait until I get to the big time before messing around with it. In the meantime, it’s keep on plugging away at my book and developing ammunition to get out and speak in front of schools!
Today I’d like to add 2 posts to my book, check out my strava site, look ahead to see if I need any materials that should be ordered for grade 5 science.
15 min run
3 x 500 row
30s hard on bike
3 x 8 back squat
3 x 7 DB complex
3 x 10 one arm row
Tags: blog November 30, 2017 at 08:22AM Open in Evernote
Day after interviews and I’m completely spent. I felt like I slept decent, but the workout was a slog this morning. I missed one 500m row because I didn’t have it in me to keep going. It’s now the redone for fatigue and the school year. This is the first day that I’ve physically felt exhausted and hopefully it’s short lived.
My xmas spending is done. I pretty much have all the gifts I need. Time to go into a holding pattern until closer to the holidays. Can’t wait for December the 1st and we can begin the 3 weeks of festivities for the holiday season. It’s a nice, fun and joyful time of year!
Today I’d like to mess around with the Wordpress site, print and put up the badge boards for grade 5.
22 min run
2 x 500 row
3 x 30s hard on bike
3 x 8 clean and press
3 x 10 box step ups with KB
3 x 10 bench press
Tags: blog November 28, 2017 at 09:04AM Open in Evernote
Almost the end of November! That month went very fast. Glad it’s over too. November is such a strange month because it’s dark can be cold and there’s no major holidays. December at least provides you something to look forward too. In terms of fatigue, I have to say that things are looking well. Now it’s still very early to tell and the end of the week will be far more obvious, but at the point it’s looking good. I really hope that the CPAP is the difference because it’s a helluva inconvenience at times!
I’m starting to get back into the groove of my motivational speech company. I feel like a few speeches a year would help. I could also do some presentation training which is something that is still spicy. Problem with that is I’d like to keep teaching kids and would hate to give up a good career for a big risk, especially given Melissa’s job situation. Something that supplements it would be ideal.
Today I would like to get the kids book organized and start to feel out my blog a little more. Man, I really enjoy doing those chapel talks and need to push more of the motivational speaker side. There has to be a market out there! The key is the book and trying to get it to connect. The book is aways the key…
22 min run
3 x 500 row
30s hard on bike
3 x 10 deadlift
3 x 12 bag cleans
3 x 10 one arm row
Tags: blog November 28, 2017 at 08:02AM Open in Evernote
It’s Friday morning after a long interviewing night and sneezing regularly. Not a good sign! The key is to get some rest this weekend otherwise next week will be insane, especially since there’s a couple of long nights. Good news out of it is that by the end of next week it will essentially be a cruise control until Xmas.
I’m feeling a little better about my chapel talk. The feedback has really been overwhelmingly positive. I’m having difficulty determining whether it’s a result of the Uber niceness of people here or it actually landed as a good talk. I’m going to go with the latter and really focus on trying to research and develop a plan to move this idea forward. Perhaps getting some feedback on paper and using it for my website to promote speaking in public. I think there’s likely an opportunity to pursue this with other schools and come in once a term, semester or something else to speak. The big issue is and always has been - money. School’s just don’t have enough! Although I’m not looking to be a millionaire simple math shows that even on a part time basis, I’d need more than $300 per session to make any go of it and it would be on a part time basis. The other aspect is perhaps to write a book and sell it to subsidize the funds. Topics might include:
Things I’d like to accomplish today:
Workout: Day off. Long night yesterday, feeling sick today = day off!
Tags: blog November 24, 2017 at 07:52AM Open in Evernote
A much better sleep last night. I really feel like I’m getting a good quality sleep once I’m down. The 8 hour window is clearly the way to go even though it’s likely that I’m not actually getting that much sleep. I think that yesterday was an example of coming down off a giant high from the talk. Man, I really enjoy doing it though. Even today, once I started putting my mind on the next talk I was more relaxed and engaged. There has to be a way to make it happen! Heck, I’m not even looking for a pay increase. Just enough to maintain the course. More thought on this is required.
Today I’d like to accomplish:
Recording my chapel talk
Look into winter tires and automobiles
Prepare for the meeting tomorrow
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 30s hard on bike
3 x 7 clean and press
3 x 12 bag clean
3 x 10 one arm rows
Tags: blog November 22, 2017 at 07:57AM Open in Evernote
Although I feel a weight lifted off of me, I’m still feeling a little tense because the next two weeks are going to be long and tiring. Hopefully this Thursday will go smooth (it usually does) and I’ll be able to rest and re-engage next week. It probably won’t happen today because of the grade changeover, but I need to get my chapel talk recorded and down so that I can post it on my blog and have a record of it.
The goal for today:
22 min run
3 x 500 row
30s hard on bike
3 x 5 one leg box step with KB
3 x 10 BP
3 x 7 DB complex
Tags: blog November 21, 2017 at 07:53AM Open in Evernote
Sacrifice the chapel talk is complete. It took a lot of suffering and sacrifice to complete it, but it’s done.
Tags: blog November 20, 2017 at 10:12AM Open in Evernote
Several down and one more speech to go. I’m glad the best on has been saved for last. It certainly will be a great way to end all of this speaking. The goal is to end with a bang too - really knock this talk out the park. Make it legendary. I can accomplish this by making sure it’s well rehearsed and that there’s a good flow including a climax, tough story and an impactful end. These are the keys to success.
Today I’d like to accomplish the following goals:
Workout was grand this morning considering that I initially thought it would be tough. I think the armies helped as well as the effects of having completed the second last of my many talks. Imagine what next week will feel like!
22 min run
3 x 500 row
30s hard on bike
3 x 10 cleans
3 x 25 KB swings
3 x 10 BP
Tags: blog November 16, 2017 at 07:59AM Open in Evernote
Been away this week from the diary because I’m really thinking about how valuable it’s been. It takes me about 10 mins to write and I often need the time to get setup for the morning. Ideally, I should be doing this at morning and night, but I’m thinking that a night time session and day’s reflection might be better than the morning. This way I’ll be able to do it every night instead of during the week. The plan is to try tonight and moving forward to do it at night. The goal is to have a reflection and really set myself up for the next day.
In the meantime, it’s been a quick and easy week. I’m struggling on what to do with the 4s today. I think I’ll let them do some more coding today and work in the maker space. Just have some fun since they’ve worked really hard and the report cards are done.
I have a presentation at STAO tomorrow. It should be fine, just hope more than 5 people come. It’s strange because there’s so many sessions on coding, I need to differentiate myself on something. Just not sure what…
Tags: blog November 08, 2017 at 07:58AM Open in Evernote
Thursday…it’s dark and foggy. I can’t wait until the clocks change so I can get a free hour of sleep. Not that my sleep has been poor, it’s just that the darkness doesn’t lead a motivating morning. My sleep has actually improved dramatically since I turned the humidifier down. Who would have thought that dry air was the answer? Anyway, I’m not going to complain. It’s awesome not to fall asleep in the afternoons now. Sure, I get a little fatigued, but a quick way and I’m back and alert again.
Turns out my chapel talk won’t go down anytime soon. Father C made a mistake with the dates and I’m pushed out of the way. No problem, making these presentation is half the fun anyway. It gets my mind moving in a way that allows me to think deeper than I normally would be. Still have the dream of becoming a motivational speaker though. It definitely calls to me from beyond. How to make that happen though is anyone’s guess!
22 min run (not as fast today)
500 m row
30s hard on bike
3 x 10 cleans
3 x 25 KB swings
3 x 10 one arm rows
Tags: blog November 02, 2017 at 07:51AM Open in Evernote |
AboutThese logs reflect my thoughts, feelings and workouts every day! Archives
December 2018