Wow, missed a few days of entries here. Need to keep up on it! It’s an off day today, but I’m really disappointed at my diet discipline. It’s probably not all lost because I”m able to keep it under control by fasting. Oh well, I’ll work hard to keep in check and ‘get back on the horse’ as Tim Ferriss said today.
The week has been long and has caused some distress on my mental health. Nothing too serious, but some warm weather and sunshine can cure it all. As stressed as I am about this weekend, I need to focus on relaxing and really just enjoying the moment. Mindfulness dude!
One thing I learned: My indoctrination from Jocko has stood well with dealing with the caretakers. Just take the high-road and be humble. I need to really embrace the idea of going after these situations and not stressing. Seems weird that Tara is inflexible. Oh well.
One piece of motivation: If you’re going through hell, keep going.
Three ideas: Look-up gymnastics strength training. Any advantage is a good one! Keep writing the book. Take my computer with me over the weekend as a note taker. Although - it might get
Day off today. Try and do 200 push-ups and 300 air squats throughout the day.
Tags: blog April 29, 2016 at 08:07AM Open in Evernote
Invention Convention is done! Goodness, it sure took a number out of me. With all these moving parts, it’s pretty stressful. However, it’s over now and I can rest easy. Just need to finish marking them.
A decent workout this morning felt like I was able to keep pace. I was dehydrated and it kept my heart rate up. Still was able to push through. I need to get some review of new exercises though. I feel like in my fatigued state, I just go for what I know and is fairly easy. It’s something to work on.
One thing I learned: I learned to let things go. Complaining about kids parents doing the work was really counterproductive. Nothing is being done about it. I need to take a more positive approach in the future. I recognize that perhaps fatigue had something to do with it, but mindfulness can help. Take some deep breathes and have a short walk.
One piece of motivation: Human patience is really a fuel. It can be drained and refilled, but is in limited stalk. Students who drain it need to be managed. Taking a calming approach can help. As mentioned above, keep mindfulness as a priority when dealing with stress. It can help!
Three ideas: I’ve been feeling demotivated or the ‘resistance’ affecting me. I think it’s just battle fatigue and I should focus on what is actually causing the distress. Now that the major projects are over and the warm weather and sunshine is ahead, I’m thinking that taking a mindful approach to life can help. Just relax and enjoy the journey!
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 10 one arm KB clean and press (each arm)
3 x 15 one arm KB swing
3 X 10 one arm KB press
3 x 10 romanian bag push-up
3 x 10 medicine ball squat jump
3 x 30 double unders
Tags: blog April 27, 2016 at 07:56AM Open in Evernote
Alright this the day of days. Once I’m through this I’ll be able to take a bit of a breather. Just need to remember to keep it together until the bitter end.
Wow, this entry didn’t get completed. The hardcore supply teacher came in and disrupted my work. What can you do?
On to the next day!
Tags: blog April 26, 2016 at 07:51AM Open in Evernote
Whew, Monday. I’m feeling under the weather but really only 1 more day until the Invention Convention is DONE. It will be stressful, but hopefully it goes without a hitch and everything gets done as it’s supposed to. I really need to pay attention to my list today and get all of those small activities done.
I should get the judges a small prize. Chocolates or something. Just try and get through the day today!
One thing I learned: The small things are actually big. Also, coming up with these on a daily basis is stressful. I need to focus more during the day on how to pick-up some useful items.
One piece of motivation: Take ownership of your life. Be on the offence rather than defence. Being on offence means that you’re out in front of things. Your to-do list is a representation of things that need to get done without stress. You’re not falling behind on them.
Three ideas: During the introductory speech, mention the judges, how the process will work and don’t forget to tell the kids to have fun.
5 x max Deadlifts
5 x max wall balls
5 x max leg presses
Less cardio today - more weights.
Tags: blog April 25, 2016 at 08:04AM Open in Evernote
My birthday! Yesterday was the first time I thought about the journal, but didn’t do anything about it. I’m not happy about it. Anyway, my birthday means that another year has passed and I should reevaluate my goals. I honestly think I’ve done a decent job over the last year. I got a raise, was able to speak at a couple conferences, played sports, decided to lift more weights became infatuated with writing a book and making good art, started to take my food off the gas at work in order to provide more balance to the rest of my life, and last and really most importantly - I started working out early in the morning. This is my greatest achievement. The ability to get up and do it. I feel like it’s rubbed off on my in more than just physical fitness. That ability to be able to overcome the challenge sticks with me throughout the day.
The next challenges are: Be able to get up early and workout in the summer. This way I can spend the whole day with my kids! Finish the book. Focus less on the quality and just make the art. Really investigate the feasibility of a business. Setup a website for presenting and communication. Can a science company work? These ideas may never come to fruition, but I definitely need to explore that feeling I get when I present to the whole school.
One thing I learned: Overcoming fear is really just changing the story. The giant diving board at Seth Godin’s camp was a great example. The story being told at the bottom it much different than the story being told at the top. The more our ‘lizard’ brain thinks we’re in danger, the more likely it is that it will take over the story. I really think that learning to live with the fear is the best way to deal with it. It’s impossible to overcome it, but being mindful of it and knowing that it has to be there and it’s a good thing is important for moving forward.
One piece of motivation:
“This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as I live it is my privilege - my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I love. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me; it is a sort of splendid torch which I’ve got a hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” -George Bernard Shaw
Three ideas: Cutting calories is easily done in an IF state. If you’re mindful of the hunger pains, than it is manageable. It can make you irritable though. Gaming and Entrepreneurship a good post in the book. Filling my blog up with all kinds of interesting information. Still no need to share it though!
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 12 squats
3 x 10 Romaninan bag squats
3 x 10 bar jumps
3 x 10 kettle bell lifts
Tags: blog April 24, 2016 at 08:04AM Open in Evernote
Friday! Although today is going to be long, once it’s done I’ve only got two more major events until I can continue to fall into coasting mode. The weather seems to be holding which is going to make it easier to take. Softball starts soon too! That reminds me to get on these jerseys.
I really need to focus on the mindfulness part of my day. I get grumpy easy on this lack of calorie diet, so I need to be mindful of that as I run into frustrating walls throughout the day. Take time to take 10 breaths and listen to my thoughts and feelings.
One thing I learned: Leadership and entrepreneurship can’t be learned from books. Hardcore experience is the best teacher of these attributes. Generating ideas often come from seeing others ideas. The best way to hone these skills is to put yourself into positions where you’re uncomfortable and need to lead people.
One piece of motivation: Alan Seeger. See poem below.
Three ideas: Finish the book. I really need to investigate how I can get more time. I’m liking the sleeping aspect, but can’t figure out where I can find more morning time - other than getting up early. It might be possible to chill out on it for a bit too. Refocus with this science thing.
None - off day. Back at it tomorrow!
Tags: blog April 22, 2016 at 07:46AM Open in Evernote
Good workout this morning. Time was an issue today - it seemed to go by faster than usual. I had to skimp on my last set in order to complete in an hour or so. Doesn’t matter because I felt great throughout. Strangely enough I felt better this morning than I did yesterday. I wonder how much sleep plays a role in that. It probably also has something to do with the fact that I know I get a break tomorrow.
I’m not really looking forward to the Gala tomorrow. It’s nice to be keen, but I’m a little overwhelmed at this time of year. Oh well. Push through it and try not to complain!
One thing I learned: It feels great to get things done. I was able to get my application in for Quest yesterday and even if I don’t get selected, I’m happy that I was able to apply. Entrepreneurship is still a big deal in the space of education, but I’ll keep pushing on with the ideas that I have in my book. Maybe next year I’ll get some traction.
One piece of motivation: There’s something important about putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation. I’m feeling that today and will tomorrow with all the work that needs to be done. Hopefully it all works out!
Three ideas: Have the students use video feedback for the intervention convention. Although the marking is all done, I still think that video feedback would be ideal.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 20 kettle bell swings
3 x 10 DB clean and press
3 x max battle rope
3 x max heavy bag attacks
Tags: blog April 21, 2016 at 08:00AM Open in Evernote
Went full EC stack this morning with decent results. I was a little more fatigued than yesterday, but not as much as usual so I call it a net win. I did get gassed as the workout progressed, but my cardio seemed to stay strong. I didn’t have any shakes or tremors. I’ll go again tomorrow and see how it works. The nice thing about this setup is that I get to take a bunch of days off. This should help keep my tolerance levels low.
Still trying to push through this week. It’s going to be tough, but once the new schedule hits and the Earth Day program is over, it should ease up a bit. Just need to get through my to-do lists.
One thing I learned: You can get stuck in a ‘bullshit zone’. This is the place where you’ve lost connection to the world. You’re not focused on the small things and self awareness. Road rage is a great and relevant example of this. The key is to recognize it and steer yourself out by being mindful of your thoughts and feelings.
One piece of motivation: The small things aren’t so small. An interesting philosophy combining this idea that self awareness is connected to feeling. As mentioned in the Tim Ferriss podcast, the guy (forgot his name) suggested that just the ability to feel is something we shouldn’t take for granted. Enjoy the sunshine, the smell of trees and understand that although these things seem small and trivial, they’re actually big.
Three ideas: Maybe there’s a way to leave video feedback for the invention convention without someone manning a station. I need to investigate this!
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 10 clean and press
3 x 5 clean
3 x 10 Romanian bag squat
3 x 5 Romanian bag curl
3 x 30 double unders
3 x 20 medicine ball push-up
Tags: blog April 20, 2016 at 07:57AM Open in Evernote
Well the caffeine pills I picked up yesterday did the trick. I certainly wasn’t short of energy this morning for my workout. I’ll add in the E part of the stack tomorrow and see how it goes. The real test is Wednesday and Thursday when I’m feeling more tired. Strange how Tuesday’s don’t seem to bother me as much.
With the cancelled earth day show I’m able to chill out a bit. I miss doing the show, it makes me feel good and I really like to perform. Oh well…I’ll catch up with them later on in the year with a trance day show or something.
One thing I learned: Being present with your feelings is essential for good living. I wrote yesterday a little about it, but after some reflection I know now that it really is essential. Being able to live with feelings instead of wanting or trying to make them go away is really important for healthy living. I seem to have more negative thoughts than most, so really understanding it is essential.
One piece of motivation: Our ability to reflect and to understand art is what it really means to be human. We’re the only species that reflects on art and uses it as an influence in our lives. This means it’s very important and we should pay more attention to it.
Three ideas: Get through these next few weeks and take some time to reflect on what’s going on. I need to get my application in for Quest.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 15 sandbag burpee
3 x 10 one arm kettle bell clean and press (both arms for 20 total)
3 x 10 bar jumps
3 x 10 DB push-up press
Tags: blog April 19, 2016 at 07:47AM Open in Evernote
I missed a few weekend entries because, well, it’s just chaos. Then I end up forgetting to enter it later on in the day. I get very stressed out when my wife is all over me to get stuff done when I don’t necessary agree with it. Anyway, I can solve all these problems by getting up earlier. I’ll try to get through these next two weeks and look forward to cruising through the last portion of the year.
One thing I learned: In order to break any addiction, you must learn to activate mindfulness. Don’t shy away from the craving, but instead try to figure out what your body is saying. Take deep breaths a make mental notes as to why you want to have that beer or sugar. It’s not necessarily important for you to ignore it - be present with it. Very similar to the idea of being present with fear that the firefighter said. Let it be there just don’t become a slave to it. I’ll monitor this over the weeks and see how it goes. This is especially true for carbs and sugar!
One piece of motivation: When using mindfulness as a tool, keep your breathes and present-self in the moment at all times. Really focus on the idea that your fear and cravings are there.
Three ideas: Not much in the way of job related motivation these days as a result of a busy work schedule, but the book is obviously still there. I’m back on to the keto life thing again. I’ll look up the exdgrogounes keytones and see I can buy them online.
3 x heavy deadlift
3 x heavy leg press
3 x chest machine
25 mins low intensity cardio
3 x one leg press
Tags: blog April 18, 2016 at 07:54AM Open in Evernote |
AboutThese logs reflect my thoughts, feelings and workouts every day! Archives
December 2018