Last day of March. I was woken up early this morning by Henry who decided that 5:30 was an appropriate time wake-up for a bit. I ended up doing a workout. I feel great of course. It’s nice because on days where I don’t have a workout scheduled I can try new exercises and see how they feel. Did a Crossfit WODs and I’m feeling it now! Tomorrow morning will be the real test. I’m going to try a new strategy tomorrow too. I’m going to get up and go workout right away. Melissa won’t be enthusiastic about it because she’ll need to get up a little earlier, but I think it will get our day started faster. Worth a shot.
Didn’t hear from Apple yesterday. I got caught up in the hype and over checked twitter. Not going to fall for it today and I’m just going to ignore it until at least this afternoon. I’m sure that the email will be sent via Apple in California so it likely won’t go down until at least noon. Fine with me!
I really liked my effort on the Invention Convention yesterday. I feel like we made some great strides and the kids should be well prepared (I hope) today. I was happy with my ability to stay positive all day. The positive mental state seems to be sticking!
2000 m row, every min on the min 5 x 80lb thruster
Kalsu - 75 cleans (80 lb) every min on min 5 burps
21-10-9 Calories on bike, clean and press, calories on rower (times 3)
Tags: blog March 31, 2017 at 07:53AM Open in Evernote
Thursday, but goodness it feels like a Friday. I had a decent workout this morning despite being woken up in the middle of a vivid dream. I'm sure that will come back to haunt me this afternoon.
I put my meals into MFP yesterday and was shocked at the number of calories I consumed. My TDEE is just under 3000 and I was close to consuming more than that. I'm thinking that my TDEE is actually lower than 3k because I put 'active' in the calculation. I assume it's always better to er on the side of caution with it. The weigh-in before my workout was 170lbs. Clearly I've gained some muscle, but also some fat. I'm going to use April as a basic cut month and May as a serious cut if it's not working. I think the important to watch my carb intake because it can really sneak up on you!
5k row
2 min hard on bike
3 x 10 deadlift
3 x12 bag cleans
3 x 10 one arm rows
Weight: 170lbs
Tags: blog March 30, 2017 at 08:04AM Open in Evernote
This month has flown by! I guess it does when you get two weeks of it off. I’ve noticed that the days are brighter and warmer and this bodes well for better times and moods around the corner. Workout was great this morning. The run was a struggle, but so important for my fitness. I’m going to spend less time focusing on the videos I’m watching and more time just doing it. I feel the like the anticipation really demotivates me from getting on the treadmill. It’s way easier to get up and get after it. My back is hit and miss too. It was sore when I woke up, but didn’t bother me during the run or workout. I can feel it getting tighter as I sit here writing this.
Heard an interesting interview today on the radio with the governor general. He wrote a book about innovation in Canada. We are a country of innovators, but I argue so much of it was out of necessity. Today’s movement of innovation in schools is nice (and important), but we must be careful about the realities we place on it. Innovating for innovation sake isn’t always the best way to approach an issue. This is where design thinking really gets under my skin. Problem solving can be a simple process and idea generation can help, but is not always the necessary answer. More to come in a blog post.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
30s hard on bike
3 x 10 one arm KB clean and press
3 x 20 KB swings
3 x 6 DB complex
3 x 6 one arm reverse row? (not sure what it’s called)
Tags: blog March 29, 2017 at 07:55AM Open in Evernote
First class day after March break. Today we’ll get rolling on all fronts. The grade 6s will be introduced to the Invention Convention and that gong show will begin. I’m thinking that some sort of programming theme can be done this year. We’ll do a game con type deal but with programs. Perhaps a mental health theme that challenges the brain. It will tie in with wellness and leverage what they’ve already done in the design thinking front.
My run this morning was fantastic. Not sure what the difference was. I’m guessing its the fastest state that helps keep my legs moving and the breathing working. My goal today is to put away the tired. I’ve tried long and hard to manage my tiredness but it’s apparent that it’s not going away. Instead I’m focusing on keeping a positive mindset with it. When the tired hits, I'm going to say to myself - “You’re tired. Recognize it and put it somewhere else.”
Danielle said yesterday that the ADE responses will come out by Friday. Hopefully that is resolved and I can move on. Waiting sucks.
It was really cool yesterday being able to sit and chat with colleagues about work. It doesn’t happen often around this place. I’m also excited to feel refreshed. My optimism is plentiful right now and I’m acutely aware of it. The key is to keep momentum and keep going!
22 min run
3 x 500 row
30s hard on bike
3 x 8 cleans (extra heavy)
3 x 12 bag cleans
3 x 10 heavy one arm rows
3 x 10 ring dips
Tags: blog March 28, 2017 at 07:54AM Open in Evernote
Back from March Break! It’s a cloudy but warm morning and I couldn’t help but think that the respectable weather is jus around the corner. I’m really looking forward to teaching in the spring. Time goes fast when the weather is nice.
March break was great. It went quick, but I had plenty of time to relax and even sleep in. Definitely seems like I need about 10 hours of sleep in order to miss out on that afternoon nap. I’m hoping to get some answers soon (?) and be able to start some strategies for managing the amount of sleep I get. Unfortunately for me, I can’t really get anymore sleep during the week. The only strategy I can manage is to perhaps limit the amount of alcohol before bedtime to improve sleep quality. Might be hard to do as the warm weather hits though.
It was interesting reading Peter Attia’s blog yesterday regarding calorie restriction. Apparently he believes that long term calorie restriction isn’t going to be the best way to manage longevity. Fasting is a decent tool, but should be reserved for limited time frames (once per month). He mentioned Jason Fung’s work and kept relating it to people with diabetes. For someone like me, intermittent fasting does work for calorie control, but isn’t effective for managing muscle. I’m going to start a trial of using MCT oil in the mornings for the next 4 weeks to see if it makes a difference in my well being, hunger and weight. Adding more fat to my diet can help increase the calories, it will be imperative to lower the carbohydrates though. This will be something to watch closely.
This journal will now include not just one thing I learned, but also one thing that was awesome yesterday and one thing that I’m looking forward to. Might help with the mediation and stress management aspects of healthy living.
Going at lunch today for a quick workout. Likely back squat/deadlift. Not sure yet!
Tags: blog March 27, 2017 at 08:10AM Open in Evernote
Had a decent night’s sleep considering that I had some beer before bed. I find that if I have a few earlier in the evening and then stop, my sleep is much more restful. The challenge is to stop drinking which is much easier said than done. However, I’ve been proud of myself to stick with it as of late.
I’m starting to wind into full on vacation mode now. I feel a lot more relaxed than I did yesterday. Just nice knowing that I don’t have anything pressing and can simply accomplish what is in front of me. As a matter of fact, I’m struggling to think of things to write on this blog. Don’t mind it though because it means that my mind is in a relaxed stressless state.
My back is a little sore - not painful but tight - so I might forgo the deadlift today and work on some KB stuff. Even a KB deadlift will help isolate the legs more. I’d like to get some boxing in too.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
30s hard on bike
KB deadlift
3 x 7 bar squat thrust
Tags: blog March 11, 2017 at 07:20AM Open in Evernote
March break starts today! Got up early to workout. My body is set on the 5:15 am workout and is usually ready to get after it by 6 am at the latest. I thought that pumping the blood might help fight off this ailment i’m dealing with. Henry is going to stay home with us because Charlotte wants to go to a play place. Fine with me. Just knowing that I have two weeks off is enough to relax me. I really wan to spend time over the next few days slowing the pace down and doing a recovery. By next week my body should be back in a good rhythm and ready to face the last term of school. My fatigue has got me in such as state that I’ve lost some motivation to keep working on my side projects. It’ll come back but might take a bit.
I really liked that Peter Attia admitted he wouldn’t be a great leader on Jocko’s podcast yesterday. I think many of us need to face the idea that we’re not all going to be great leaders and no being one isn’t the end of the world. There’s no doubt that we can all lead, it’s just that becoming a ‘great’ leader is a special skill. Being able to take a C- student/person/worker and make them a B can be challenging, especially if that person is not naturally intrinsically motivated. I see it all the time in school. We can give them some leeway because they’re young students, but as I’ve watched students go through the grades, I’ve noticed that the motivational skill set really doesn’t improve with age.
Weigh in on the upstairs scale with clothes: 167.2 lbs. Working on that 170!
5k row
40s hard on bike
3 x 10 cleans
3 x 10 one arm rows
3 x 10 medicine ball clean and press
3 x 25 boss situps
3 x 10 bar jumps
Tags: blog March 10, 2017 at 08:32AM Open in Evernote
The last day before March Break! I’m feeling a little under the weather. I guess the good news is that it appears to be contained to my head which at least allows me to still workout. I was sucking wind this morning though. Funny how a slight degradation in your breathing capacity can cripple an intense workout. I hope it doesn’t have any long term ramifications.
Obviously the break is going to be a good opportunity to hit the reset button, but I think it’s also a great chance to reevaluate the strategy for teaching the rest of year. Usually April can be tough with a couple of Saturday mornings on the docket, but the rest of the year will present some opportunity to investigate some of the items on my to-do list.
I’m in a holding pattern with the sleep study and Apple application and their results will drive my next gambits. Hopefully both come back with positive news, but if they don’t I need to be prepared to react appropriately.
Here’s to a break!
22 min run
3 x 2 min hard on bike
3 x 10 back squat 190 lbs
3 x 20 KB swings
3 x 5 one arm KB cleans
3 x 10 one arm landmine rows
Tags: blog March 09, 2017 at 07:53AM Open in Evernote
A couple days left before March break! Love to see the sunshine this morning. Makes it feel like spring is just around the corner. I also have noticed that it’s getting brighter in the mornings when I work out. By 6:30 the sun is pretty much poking over the skyline. All very encouraging signs. (Although I’m not looking forward to the hot basement workouts)
Heard this neat analogy about sleep deprivation from a former ER resident in a podcast yesterday:
You’re always going to be tired so don’t give up the stuff you would normally do to sleep. You’ll never catch up.
Probably not the healthiest advice, but for someone like me who struggles with minor fatigue, I think it’s sound advice. Jocko always talks about doing physical exercise when you’re tired. It gets the system going again. At the worst, you should put your feet up and sleep for 8-10 mins. Funny enough, I’ve actually found that to work out well. Usually if I close my eyes for a few mins in the afternoons I can gain some energy back. Obviously I can’t do it at work, but at home it has some effect.
Workout was good this morning. Coughing a lot and have a runny noise which are the international signs of getting sick. I hope it doesn’t hit me too hard when I’m on March break!
22 min run
3 x 500 row
30s hard on bike
3 x 10 clean and press
3 x 10 bag cleans
3 x 6 DB complex
Tags: blog March 08, 2017 at 07:48AM Open in Evernote
Beautiful walk through the forest this morning on the way to school. There was a calm mist that made it look like a scene from a Irish Glen. I’m wet, but it was worth it! Went to bed early again last night in an attempt to recover from the onset of this illness. Seemed to work, the workout was good and I feel relatively rested. That’s important because I need to be in good spirits for this extra long day. The good news is that after today it’s smooth sailing until March Break. Interviews always seem like a giant mountain but end up being relatively easy since most of the kids I teach are pretty stoked about science.
I’ll need to manage my back today, it seemed a little sore after the workout. Also, need to remember too update the blog and work a little bit on book formatting.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 10 Deadlift
3 x 20 KB Swing (one arm included)
3 x 10 one arm row
Tags: blog March 07, 2017 at 07:58AM Open in Evernote |
AboutThese logs reflect my thoughts, feelings and workouts every day! Archives
December 2018