Pizza…delicious pizza! Boy, last night’s pizza just about killed me. I felt terrible before bed and woke up at midnight to get some water. Once I was able to get back to sleep around 1:30, I slept sound.
I’m going to fast until lunch today to try and get some of the crud out of my system. I really need to be more keen with my carbs. I’ve been so good and the results have been so positive that it would be a shame to shut it down and go back to the old way of doing things.
This weekend I’m headed to the cottage and it will be a bit of a blunder, mostly because of the alcohol. I’ll stay away from any sweets and carbs. I hope. It is a one time thing though!
Off day today. Well deserved. Had a great workout week.
Tags: WOD, blog January 29, 2016 at 07:57AM Open in Evernote
Wow, it’s been 3 awesome early morning workouts. I’m really trying to find out what it is that’s allowing me to function so well in the mornings. I am going to bed a little earlier, but only by 15 mins and still getting up several times a night to pee. I have been adding some more carbs to my diet, but it’s not a huge amount. Last night I had a bit of white rice (less than half a cup) and a wrap with peanut butter. The result: lots of energy to lift! Usually on Thursdays I’m struggling!
My hunch is that I’m either becoming better fat adapted or the slight increase in carbs is making all the difference in the world. It will be interesting to follow over the next week or so.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 3 clean and jerk 120lbs
3 x 6 clean 120 lbs
3 x 6 deadlift 120 lbs
3 x 120b row until fatigue
3 x 10 runs of tire sled
3 x 10 romanian bag front squat
3 x 10 romanian bag curl
Tags: WOD, blog January 28, 2016 at 07:56AM Open in Evernote
Wed morning workout was great. I was gassed, but not as much as I’ve been over the last few weeks. It must be the carbs. Last night I ate some sweet potato and had some chocolate and a wrap during the day. Still lower on the carbs, but I’m guessing that I can maintain with some healthy versions of carbohydrates like oats, brown rice, etc.
Slept much better. The pain of getting up at 5:20 is intense. Every bone in my body wants me to go back to bed. My strategy is to just get on the treadmill, get a good video and push through it. Seems to work. I wonder though if it’s helping in other parts of my life? How do I measure it?
3 x 10 95 lb clean and jerk
3 x 10 romainan bag clean and front squat
3 x 6 Turkish get-ups (phew it was hard on the shoulders)
3 x 500 m row
3 x 10 dips
some ab roller work
Tags: blog January 27, 2016 at 07:53AM Open in Evernote
Yet another crappy night’s sleep. I’m still wondering if there’s a connection between the E2 and sleep patterns. I’ll have to ask the doc next week. I keep needing to urinate even though I’m trying not to hydrate past 7 pm. The upside is that I’m looking great in the mirror!
I’m still very confused by my caloric intake. I’m averaging about 2500 calories a day, but should probably be getting more. My weight is holding steady and I’m starting to lose some adipose tissue so I guess I can’t really complain. Perhaps a trip to the Naturopath would help?
Workout felt fantastic this morning. Run was tolerable, row was a piece of cake and my breathing was great. I even felt like I stopped sweating at some points even though I did a fairly intensive routine. I wonder why…?
22 min run
3 x 500 row
12 x sandbag burpee
12 x romanian bag swing (like a kettle bell )
20 x double under - not in a row mixed in with fast skipping
4 x heavy bag lift and lunge with a my pseudo attack on the ground (for fun)
Tags: blog January 26, 2016 at 08:01AM Open in Evernote
Another night of crappy sleep. Charlotte was sleeping in our room because we painted hers yesterday. She decided that it was a great idea to read a book at 3 am. Henry was up coughing most of the night too. He’s a trooper though and didn’t call for us.
My E2 is apparently getting under control because I peed several times in the night and appear not to be holding so much water. According the mirror anyway.
It’s Monday so it’s a school workout day.
Plan is:
22 min on elliptical
5 sprints (treadmill if neccesary)
3 x 10 deadlift - as heavy as possible
Wallball throws and thrusters
3 x 20 tri pull downs 90lbs
Tags: blog January 25, 2016 at 08:15AM Open in Evernote
Another crappy sleep! Woke up multiple times to pee and one other time to help Charlotte. It appears everyone in the house is sick and now I’m starting to get the sniffles.
My diet was odd yesterday. I consumed lots of calories in the form of red meat, chicken, flax muffins and broccoli. I also had a shake loaded with carbs from blueberry.
Oh well, no time to rest. Back at it!
22 min run
3 x 500 row
10 x 95lb BB clean and jerk
10 x tire push
15 x burpee box jump
162 lbs
12.8% BF
Tags: blog January 24, 2016 at 08:14AM Open in Evernote
I had pizza last night with some beer. I had a massive headache all night. The pizza was delicious, but goodness I paid for it.
Workout this morning was great as it usually is on the weekend. Sleep helps!
22 min run
3 x 500m row
3 x 12 back squat - 120 lbs
3 x 12 Romanian bag front squat (with clean)
3 x 10 dumbbell pushup
3 x 10 ring pull-ups
Minimal carb day today. Exception is post-workout shake and beer tonight.
Tags: blog January 23, 2016 at 12:31PM Open in Evernote
Had some professional development until 9 pm last night. Slept alright - woke up at 5 am and couldn’t get back to sleep. Don’t feel too groggy this morning though. Probably because it’s Friday!
Worked out at school last night and felt pretty good. Put some plates under my feet for squatting and got very low. Don’t feel any residual effects though so maybe I need to up the weight.
Had a great conversation with one of our Phys-ed teachers about carbs and he experienced similar problems when going low carb. No energy.
I’m thinking that eliminating bread, pasta and sugar will serve me better long term. I did a decent job last night of eating healthy without the temptation of a wonderful, delicious treat in front of me.
Tags: blog January 22, 2016 at 08:11AM Open in Evernote |
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December 2018