Massive headache this morning. Not sure if it’s to do with the weather (it’s raining), but goodness it just came on all of the sudden. I slept very well last night and have noticed that I don’t hear Melissa when she comes to bed which tells me that my sleep is deeper and more effective than without the CPAP. I’m still 50-50 on the tiredness and will have to gauge it more in the summer when I’m able to relax and catch-up on some sleep.
I’m really stuck in school mode until I get through next week. I hope this coding thing is worth it and offers some value for me. My goal is to be able to program some simple apps and be able to teach kids how to do it. As it is with most things, I’ll need to make sure that I don’t get lost so quickly. I suppose that I can use my time effectively tomorrow and Thursday to catch-up. The other thing that I is slowing my relaxation is some anxiety around getting down to MaRS. I really need to pony up and take the train. I can get someone to drop me off and get after it. Goodness, once I’m on and away I shouldn't have a problem.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 10 back squat 190lbs (felt fairly light)
3 x 12 bag cleans
3 x 10 two arm minesweepers
Tags: blog June 13, 2017 at 07:53AM Open in Evernote
Back for the final few days of school! Ottawa was a great trip and those couple of runs were outstanding. Having a bit of downtime on the bus helped ease some of the tiredness. It also helps to know that the end is near! I was able to get most of my work done yesterday so the next couple of days should be fairly stress free.
I’m honestly not looking forward to next week - it’s mostly the commute though. I think the training itself is going to be extremely valuable. Getting there and back is a huge discouragement for me.
Workout was good this morning. I’m so happy that my runs are becoming more stable again. The thyroid issue is a bit concerning so hopefully I can get it sorted out shortly.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
30s hard on bike
3 x 8 cleans
3 x 7 DB complex
3 x 10 one arm row
Tags: blog June 12, 2017 at 07:53AM Open in Evernote
June 6, 1944. The beginning of the end. Around this time in France, several divisions were attacking the shoreline. Although the battle is legendary, it’s the days that follow which really determine the outcome of the campaign. This morning we’re experiencing similar weather - raining with a slight break where the attack was to commence.
It appears that my endurance is back with a vengeance. I really can’t believe it got suppressed that much. It’s something to make note of, especially since I didn’t particularly notice and benefits. Anyway, I feel much better knowing that I’m able to continue the intensity. Sleep was decent too. I woke up at 3 but had a solid sleep from about 9:15 onward. CPAP machine said it was operating for about 8 hours. Perfect.
Today is really my last day of teaching. Next week will be more of a fun day with the kids. Schedule looks very balanced too. Can’t believe the end has come so fast. Certainly doesn’t feel like it!
22 min run
3 x 500 row
30s hard on bike
3 x 10 clean and press
3 x 25 kb swings
3 x 10 one arm rows
Tags: blog June 06, 2017 at 08:03AM Open in Evernote
Second last Monday morning of the year! Been a crazy couple of days with Blue Mountain and the Jack Johnson concert. If I had to give last night’s show a one word review it would likely be ‘meh’. Don’t get me wrong, he was great to see live, but I feel like it’s the kind of concert you need to watch in the summer heat on the beach. Instead it was cold and dark and not that comfortable.
It was great to get out for a run yesterday morning with no issue. I really enjoyed the climb even though it was very muddy. I noticed that my energy was fantastic once I slowed the pace and kept it steady. Good to know that a marathon is not only possible, but likely at some point in my future. Next up is Ottawa - hopefully the weather holds and I can get out for some early morning runs!
I’m going to workout here today because of a late night last night. I was up at 5, but had zero energy (feel the same now). Also, with a cardio only day yesterday I need to hit the weights hard today.
tri pull down
leg press
Tags: blog June 05, 2017 at 07:54AM Open in Evernote
Another quick entry. Wasn’t as late as yesterday, but still pushed the 8 am arrival to the max. We made it out the door but I forgot to comb Charlotte’s hair! Oh well, at least it’s Friday.
I’m going to workout here this morning because Sunday may not be a proper time to workout which is alright. I’m planning on doing the bench press - haven’t done it in ages! That way I won’t feel guilty if I need to skip Sunday. Hopefully that doesn’t happen though.
25 elliptical
bench press
leg press
tri pulldown
Tags: blog June 02, 2017 at 08:06AM Open in Evernote
Short entry this morning because I had to drop Henry off and was late. Pretty good workout this morning considering I was up in the night because Charlotte made me keep the light on. Overall slept well, but as I’ve mentioned the last couple of Thursdays, it seems like a Friday instead. Oh well, the sun is shining and there’s lots to do before Friday afternoon anyway. I’m going to get my blood tested today as well.
5k row
2 mins hard on bike
3 x 8 back squat
3 x 25 kb swings
3 x 40 double unders
3 x 10 one arm rows
Tags: blog June 01, 2017 at 08:14AM Open in Evernote |
AboutThese logs reflect my thoughts, feelings and workouts every day! Archives
December 2018