Last day of November! This beard will be gone soon…
Was a short night and a tough workout this morning, but it’s done and now I just need to get through the day and week. interviews are strange, it’s like a PR stint. You’re focused on key messaging - trying to ease the truth in while protecting your and the school’s reputation.
Seth mentioned in his book that you should spend time making predictions because over time, you’ll get better at it. Predictions allow you to begins to see visions. Visionaries are change agents.
OTIL: Our emotional states really drive us on a day to day basis. Being able to manage them can influence the way you envision yourself and interact with the world around you.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 10 one arm KB clean and press
3 x 20 KB swings
3 x 10 RB front squat
3 x 40 double unders
3 x 10 one arm rows
Tags: blog November 30, 2016 at 07:54AM Open in Evernote
No workout this morning because of interviews. I’ll try and sneak one in between 4 and 5. I’m thinking a change is a good idea because I’ve been running a ton lately and a day off with a workout is in order. I’m still observing my sleep patterns and last night was a weird one. Woke up around 10:45 with breathing problems because of cooking chicken on the grill last night. I’m thinking this has something to do with my sleeping in general. Being extremely sensitive to smell often wakens me at night.
I’ll do some deadlifting today with some arm work. Get in those exercises that I can’t do at home.
TBD - deadlift, tri pulldowns, KB swing, Jim Jones DB work.
Tags: blog November 29, 2016 at 07:55AM Open in Evernote
Monday morning for the start of another long week! Once I get through this it should be alright. I only have to worry about the Xmas concert (which I’d go to anyway) and an away game which really isn’t that bad. It’s mostly being away from the house for long periods of time that make me feel like the weekend was too short. The good news is that this weekend is relatively free and it’s Melissa’s b-day so we can figure out some b-day fun.
I switched up my routine in the morning and took thyroid right when I woke up. I’m going to try it for this week with the purpose of seeing if I can shake the fatigue. It’s risky given the fact that this week is going to be long as it is, but if I can get through it without problem than I’m in really good shape when things quiet down a bit.
My sleep has been great - I have no complaints. Not sure if it’s the melatonin dose with the magnesium. I’m not going to mess with it until my sleep test. I still have some afternoon fatigue after eating. I’m going to reduce the amount of food I eat to compensate. Harder to do at school, but might be worth a shot.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 12 backsquat130lb
3 x 10 one arm KB clean and press
3 x 10 back rows
3 x 10 bar jumps
Tags: blog November 28, 2016 at 07:54AM Open in Evernote
Well as suspected I survived the night in tact. It was weird though - so many strange interviews with the grade 3 parents. Somehow grade 5 parents were able to sign up, but it seemed to be only one class? Anyway next year I’ll have to remember to leave them off the list.
Get through the day today and the weekend is here! It will be next Wednesday morning that smacks me in the face.
I had a great idea yesterday during the interviews to get the gr 3s to work on forces by building paper towers. We can talk about how the force of gravity is effecting them as they work. Or even the small bridge activity might work well too.
One thing I learned: I’ve been thinking about making art lately and how this book I’m completing can be done even though it might not be the best work of art.
Taking a break today!
Tags: blog November 25, 2016 at 08:01AM Open in Evernote
Day of days part 1! Interview day is always a long day that goes quickly. In the end all of the interviews are generally positive. It’s a necessary evil of sorts. Sleep was decent last night - I seem to be getting better night’s sleep since I went to see that doctor. Again, I really think that temperature has lots to do with it. Over heating is a big problem and perhaps the investment in that cooling thing might be worth it!
I’m sitting on emailing Father Crowther about this chapel talk. Not sure why, perhaps I’m a little scared, but really I can make it work. Today or tomorrow might be a good day to send it. Hopefully he can find a spot for me sometime in the new year.
I really like this Apple book idea. I’m going to see if I can generate some decent content with the 5s and hopefully it will get some traction. Then I can use my entrepreneurship book to feed it.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 8 230 lb deadlift
3 x 10 romanian bag front squat
3 x 10 medicine ball clean and press
Tags: blog November 24, 2016 at 08:48AM Open in Evernote
Wednesday reading morning! I have to admit, I’m not feeling the general fatigue that I would have expected at this time of the year. It’s still early because I need to get through 2 interview times and the xmas concert, but so far so good. Sure, the afternoons feel a little groggy, but honestly it’s been generally tolerable. I feel like that temperature really has a lot to do with sleeping for me. I can’t seem to stay asleep when it’s too warm. Perhaps some investment into the equipment to regulate temperature would be beneficial.
The workout was decent this morning Again, I think temperature has something to do with it. It was colder than normal this morning and it certainly helped keep my stamina up.
OTIL: Managing hunger pains is much easier when you’re busy! The fasting seems to be holding so far. I feel in great shape (especially without chocolate). I need to keep a weight diary to truly see the benefits.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 10 130lb squat
3 x 25 45lb kettlebell swings
3 x 10 land mine rows
Tags: blog November 23, 2016 at 08:04AM Open in Evernote
I was pretty fatigued this morning, but managed to get a good workout in. This whole sleep situation seems to be less of an issue than I thought. When I teach in the afternoon I seem to be able to maintain some energy. We’ll see how today and especially Thursday/Friday go. It’s not going to be a particularly restful weekend either. Could spell disaster. These new magnesium pills seem to help me maintain sleep too - even though I hit the washroom around 4 am.
CBC was asking people what their favourite part of 2016 was. Funny enough, I don’t have a particular moment that jumps out. I guarantee that there is plenty to be excited about - Blue Jays games, drinks with friends, summer with the kids. Just goes to show you how difficult it is to reflect. Makes me think of how much of a forward thinking species we are.
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 8 clean and press 120 lb (tough!)
3 x 10 hungarian bag squat
3 x 12 back row
Tags: blog November 22, 2016 at 08:06AM Open in Evernote
What a start to the morning! I knew it was going to be chaotic, but goodness I had no idea. The snow through a damper into things because we forgot snow pants for both kids and it appears the white stuff is around to stay. It was an hour and a bit drive to get to school hopefully it won’t be that getting home.
Workout wasn’t bad this morning. The run seemed to surprise me - time was slow. My breathing is definitely not getting better quickly. Doing the T in the evening definitely helped my strength and currently I’m not overly hungry considering I stopped eating around 8 pm.
I have the gr 5s and 3s starting today. It should be a good term. For some reason it seems like I have an extra block off vs the first go, but I’m not going to complain. The 5s are likely going to be a handful, but I’m prepared and hopefully we find some enjoyment in it. The 3s on the other hand, who knows what will come of them! The key is to detach from the situation and understand that it’s all in the name of fun and learning and as long as that’s occurring, then who cares!?
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 10 210lb deadlift
2 x 10 sandbag burpee
3 x 10 dumbbell push-up row
3 x 10 bar jumps
Tags: blog November 21, 2016 at 09:33AM Open in Evernote
It’s Friday and I decided to take an off day with the workouts. Since I last stopped blogging I’ve been trying to get into the gym on Fridays for a lift. The new strategy is to develop some muscle while keeping the endurance in check and honestly it’s been working out pretty well so far. I definitely feel like I’ve lost some speed and longevity with the endurance, but am still capable of doing my morning runs with ease.
Went to the sleep doctor yesterday and didn’t really get any glorious answers. As I suspected, the doc seemed to think it’s not sleep apnea but something else causing my daytime fatigue. I’m going to spend some time investigating that and perhaps there is some therapy I can try without the doctors influence.
Off day - still feeling a little sick, but am recovering nicely.
Tags: blog November 18, 2016 at 07:54AM Open in Evernote
Still sick, but feeling a wee bit better. Last night’s sleep wasn’t great though. Funny enough, I thought that a warm shower before bed would help. Instead, it raised my temperature and I found myself too hot for most of the night. I also tried to sleep with the window open and was rudely awoken by someone having a campfire in our townhouse complex.
Workout was alright. The squats seemed easy, even after a normal run. My throat is really sore though and I keep coughing up very yellow phlegm.
Sleep doctor today. One step closer to determining whether or not I can obtain greater energy during the day.
One thing I learned: Being able to burn fat is really a great way to increase endurance. Takes work though!
22 min run
3 x 500 row
3 x 10 130lb back squat
3 x 90lb back row
3 x 25 50lb kettlebell swings
Tags: blog November 17, 2016 at 08:18AM Open in Evernote |
AboutThese logs reflect my thoughts, feelings and workouts every day! Archives
December 2018