How much of your professional time is spent in meetings? According to Psychology Today, 30% of the average professionals day is spent in meetings. If that person works an 8 hour working day, 2.5 hours are spent in meetings (including lunch) reporting, brainstorming, debating, creating action plans and whatever else happens there.
Corporate meetings originally began at the dawn of the industrial era when managers met with workers at the start of the shift to prepare them for the day’s work. Prior to that, corporate deals were done over dinner among families or at parties. Town hall meetings were common place from the Victorian era onward where people would meet to discuss issues that affected the community. Of course there was those Greek philosopher guys who held some open forums too. Modern day meetings have negative malaise surrounding them. Everyone who attends usually has something better to be doing and most of the communication at these meetings can be done via technology like Google docs or email. While meetings are increasingly becoming useless, our need for more human interaction is not. Meetings do offer a way for people - real people - to interact. Why not change the culture of meetings by having people work instead of listen? Come, talk, gossip, plan brainstorm, but do work. Have a goal. You can’t leave this meeting unless you generate 3 new ideas and have a plan in place to implement them. Meeting should be like team sporting events where we come together work for a common goal. When the game is over we head back and prepare for the next one. What does your classroom look like? It a place where people come to chat, finish some questions and maybe listen to some instructions? Or is it a place where students show up, work with a common goal and create something new, interesting and helps the world? Comments are closed.
Time to reinvent yourself!Jason WoodScience teacher, storyteller and workout freak. Inspiring kids to innovate. Be humble. Be brave. Get after it!